Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A paperclip, the back of an earring and a little soldering!

I have learned, if there is any activity coming from my husband's office, it's in both of our best interest if I just stay away.  Some men have a garage, some men have a workshop.  My husband has his "office".  Yes, there is computer equipment, a couple of desktops, a server of sorts, and the last time I was in there, I counted 4 monitors.  But this is so much more than a typical office...I think this fact really resonated with me when I watched him, clad in his Dickies cover-alls, baseball cap slightly askew and safety glasses firmly in place, walk through the living room, with handsaw and shop vac in tow, headed with a mission to the office.  Quite certainly this piqued my interest...what in the sam hell could he possibly be doing now??  
His "desk" is actually an old dining room table, and a good sized one, but you wouldn't know this because there's not one single bare spot on the "desk"...it's completely covered with paper, wires, cables, tools, a wide variety of nuts, bolts, all types of items in various stages of assembly or disrepair...I dare not think of cleaning or straightening up the desk "I know exactly where everything is like this" is his reply when I even mention it.  "I might need that 'specto-graph-topographlic-meter' when I'm fixin' something" is his reasoning for keeping things the way they are.  And believe me, when he's looking for something around the house, I say a quiet, pleading prayer that he doesn't ask me to go look for it in the office...I'm seriously afraid that if I go in the office, I might not find my way back out.  I think the wall calendar is still on February....
One thing you must know about my Marcus is his unwavering determination...when he is on a mission, come hell or high water, he's going to complete it.  This can be both a blessing and a curse.  Case in point, the time he had the entire door of my car completely apart and splayed out on the driveway, in exact placement so it resembled the schematics of the manual, piece by piece, all to replace the door handle.  Yes, I have a new door handle and the "left-over" parts were immediately placed on the desk...for when he might need them to fix something else.
Yesterday, I was truly impressed with his "southern ingenuity" and sheer determination. When his iPhone met its demise Sunday, my husband immediately went on "defcon level 1 office mission" to get a working phone. I'm not exactly sure what he did, like I said, I tend to steer clear of that side of the house when he is in "fix-it" mode.  But I do know, after finding an old Razor phone, some finagling with a paperclip, asking me for an earring back (the small, circular, rubbery kind) and his soldering iron, he now has a working phone.  MacGyver would be jealous!!!  The look on my husband's face was amazing!  He was so proud of his handiwork. Smile beaming from ear to ear, "I'll be damned, I fixed the phone!"
Looking at my husband at that moment made me realize how proud I am of HIM!  If anything around the house breaks, he finds a way to fix it.  I love the way he finds a way to figure out what is wrong, how it works and what it takes to fix it.  He truly enjoys figuring out electrical things like a puzzle then putting his knowledge to use and  repairing them.  And I enjoy watching him accomplish his missions with such pride and joy.  When he goes in that office, I know he's doing something he enjoys and is helpful around the house. I wouldn't change a thing about his office...except maybe the calendar.

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