Wednesday, August 15, 2012

This here's gonna be a rant for sure...

Please, someone, tell me when it became ok to not have simple manners?  Here are some examples of very small instances where I think people should have common courtesy...and Emily Post would most definitely agree with me, if not smack someone for committing any one of these offenses:
1.  It's common courtesy to wait for all passengers to exit an elevator before stepping in...when you come barging in before everyone's had a chance to get out, you are one giant road block.  You've already waited a whole 7 seconds for the doors to open, another 5 isn't going to ruin your day.  And if it does, just go the hell home, go back to bed and start over tomorrow...
2.  It should be illegal to prepare or reheat any form of tuna in a community break room, especially at lunch time.  Other people might be trying to eat their less offensive smelling lunch. If you must have a large intake of protein due to exercise or special diet...chicken, pork or even turkey have the exact same amount of protein per serving..common courtesy is an understatement here, even if that smeller below your eyes doesn't work, other peoples' do!
3.  This goes without saying, but talking on your cell phone in a public restroom is not only rude, it's tacky and gross!!  For this one, I have come up with a clever little "intrusion" to these "potty talks"...when I'm the victim of this and I don't care how many stalls separate me & the offender (public bathrooms are large and do echo..) I just start flushing...whether I'm done or not...flush, flush, flush, right after the other.  It usually only takes about 4 or 5 flushes for the person to get the hint and hang up!
4.  All I'm going to say here: farting in a yoga or pilates class (I swear I apologized immediately and profusely!!)
5.  If you are in an occupation that requires you to communicate or associate with a paying patron or in a government role that requires you deal with HUMAN lifeforms just trying to pay a ticket or some other government taxation....remember just that...we are HUMANS too...if you don't like dealing with people with a somewhat pleasant attitude, I'm sure there are more acceptable jobs for your attitude, like cleaning the bathrooms at Taco Bell...
6.  Finally, if you are in such a hurry that you have to cut across 3 lanes of traffic, to turn left and not wait in the line at the light, like the rest of us, you should have left the house earlier and be prepared for what may happen!!!  This moron lady acted sooooo shocked when she did this to me!  I saw her coming, so I slammed my 4x4 3/4 ton Chevy dually into 3rd gear, floored it and squealed my tires, which "accidentally" caused me to t-bone her stupid little Prius, skidding her about 63 feet down the road...Ok, that didn't really happen, I drive a Mini Cooper at present....but I damn sure thought about it and you bet your sweet ass she deserved both "fingers" I had to show her, plus the colorful names I was calling her!
Whew, I feel better...thanks for letting me vent.  I'll be the first to tell you I am not perfect - but I do have common courtesy toward others and I always try to display as such.  And, while I'm still searching for another pilates class, I make it a point to treat people the way I want to be treated, it's common courtesy!!


  1. Loved the elevator!! I think it was Alex who has the tuna!!

  2. Robert - it was the elevator episode that prompted this post, btw! ;-)
