Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sweet Lord, I want waffle fries dipped in mayonnaise.

For those of you who know me, know that french fries are my weakness, my all time, without a doubt favorite food.  I'm normally a "Wendy's" patron because of their thick, natural cut french fries sprinkled with just the right amount of course sea salt which are melt in your mouth crazy good when they are almost too hot to eat..(my mouth just watered a bit.)
Ok, now that most of the poop about Chik-fil-a has died down, I can say, without fear of retaliation, or God FORBID, someone "de-friending" me on FB, that I desperately want waffle fries and I want to dip them in mayonnaise!!!  There, I said doesn't matter that I haven't actually ordered, let alone eaten, waffle fries dipped in mayo in probably 17 years, back when I thought it would be cool to be like the British with "fish & chips".
Do you want to know why I said it??  Because ever since this shit storm started, that's all I've been able to think about!!  I drive by a CFA and damn near have to wreck my car to keep from going through the drive thru...for waffle fries & mayo!
HUGE props or kuddos or high-fives or whatever to whomever at CFA saw this as the marketing pinnacle of excellence that it is and ran with it!!!  That person deserves some kind of award.
Never have I felt so compelled to buy from a company...EVER...and not for the reasons being fought in the media.  I have my personal beliefs about equality and I have my business beliefs about how a company should market their products.  Basically, let people be who they are, live their lives and if they happen to do something you don't like, just remember YOU are also doing something someone, somewhere doesn't like. If they aren't harming anyone, what harm is there in letting them live, the way they want to...just like you do. I also believe companies are in business to make money, plain and simple.  If CFA didn't want to make money, they would have been out of business years ago.  As a business, they have that right.  When a company wants to make money, they market a certain product to the majority demographic appeal that product was created for.  For example, I see a lot of commercials for laundry detergent, house hold cleaners and such when I'm watching Lifetime network...because the audience seeing those commercials on that particular channel are the ones who will purchase those items during next week's trip to the grocery store.  I just love how the Gain detergent commercials are so bright, and sunny and just look so fun and outdoors-y...guess what type of laundry detergent I use?? :)  Lord help me if "smell-o-vision" ever makes its way to mainstream commercials in the average household.
Here's the difference with CFA - this didn't just market one special style of sandwich or salad - this episode marketed the ENTIRE company.  This had people talking about the company as a whole for weeks.  I'd be willing to bet my fancy luggage, if you pulled reports on sales, CFA probably saw a huge spike in revenue during this time!  And you know what the sheer genius about it was??  It did NOT COST CFA a single dime.  That's right - they sold, not one special sandwich marketed to a certain age group, but their entire product line probably saw a increase in sales, which of course is an huge increase in profit because they didn't have pay for it!  I'm sure they lost some business...but my point is, (and it's just me I'm talking about here, because I don't have the right to speak anyone else's point) before any of this happened, I wouldn't have thought of waffle fries.  Now, I'm thinking I want waffle fries.  I'll always remain true to my first fries love with Wendy's, but I'm thinking about buying waffle fries, which will probably lead to me buying waffle fries...I'll skip the mayo because I think mayo is just down right gross (have you ever seen what happens to mayo when it's left out in the sun & heat...blahhhGAG!!!!)  In the end, I'm buying what I'm hungry for, not for any person or company's beliefs but my own...waffle fries sound good!!  And CFA, probably more inadvertently than not, made money without spending money and made me think waffle fries sound good.  Good for them!  They have that right as a business.  Speaking of making money, I wonder if Gain or Wendy's will pay me for the blatant ads I just placed for them, sans mayonnaise?? (see what I did there? :)

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