Monday, August 13, 2012

Maybe Wendy's and Gain could sponsor me....

Ok, this is probably the best idea I've had in a hear me out!  I am a baseball girl, through & through!  I'm a very loyal Houston Astros fan, despite the fact my husband has put a hex on them this season...something about I don't have to watch every single game, something about they play 160+ games a season and I can miss one or two..blah blah blah... Some may consider watching baseball on TV pointless and boring.  I can see how non-baseball people might feel that way.  The game on TV certainly doesn't have the same "energy buzz" that can actually be felt at a ballpark.  At a ball park, there's a certain camaraderie between strangers, albeit fellow fans, that causes hugs and high-fives for everyone when a Grand Slam is cracked over the back wall. Not to mention, the smell of stale, warm beer, mixed with warmed peanuts and hot dogs.  Or that one obnoxiously annoying fan who spends most of the game trying to get the rest of the crowd of 30,000+ to chant "Let's-Go-As-tros!!" at the top of her lungs.   Ok, I only did that the one time and I'll have you know, by the middle of the 7th inning, I had most of my new fan-friends joined in with me and I'll also have you know I was not "ejected" from that particular game!  I am a baseball girl!  I do love going to the games and have been to see my boys play at Minute Maid park about a bajillion times.  
Now, here's my glorious idea - and I think this will make Wendy's Hamburgers and Gain detergent boat loads of money.  Since they have yet to contact me to pay me for the blatant product placement advertising in my earlier post this should be very appealing to them!  
I want to experience a baseball game in every MLB ballpark in the US.  There's only 30 of them, 29 if you take out Minute Maid park.  Wait, that's the Astros park, so I better go to that one too... Wendy's and Gain can sponsor my little tour of the diamonds...ooohh, ooohh, that's what I'll call it, "Lara's Tour of the Diamonds" by paying for travel and tickets to the game.. I'll even put together a small entourage (my husband and our dog Lola :) who will be our mascot.)  In return for their sponsorship - I will make it a point to wear logo laden clothing while holding up the biggest possible signs, doing what else? Advertising their products!!  I will try my hardest at every game to get the announcers to interview me & Marcus as "fans of the GAIN" "or fans of the fries" (see what I did there ;-) )  Now we couldn't possibly hit up all 30 stadiums in one season, so we'll most likely have to sign a two season season for Wendy's and one for Gain...I'd bet my fancy luggage it would cost them less than one billboard, in one town for one month.  I mean, how many different people actually read those things anymore?  This is guaranteed exposure to millions!  I'll even come up with a chant or two...and once I convince Marcus to help me chant, I'm sure we'll have at least TWO sections join in by the 6th inning!, french fries and clean smelling clothes...I can see it now!

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