Saturday, September 8, 2012

All the Oreo cookies in the world can't heal hurt feelings!

I am an emotional person.  I'll be the first to admit it.  I cry at pretty much anything.  A sappy commercial, a touching greeting card, a loving photograph - hand me the Kleenex, please....a sad movie, you might as well buy me a Kleenex factory...I cry.  I still grab two new boxes when I watch "The Notebook" and I know there's not enough Kleenex in the world for me to ever watch "My Girl" ever again.  It's how I show emotion, even when I laugh too hard, I wind up crying.  
But there are times, thank goodness not many, when I cry because I am upset.  There are times when I am sad and crying helps deal with the sadness.  Usually when this occurs, I turn to comfort in food (again, I'm glad it doesn't happen often.)  And not the good stuff like fruit or vegetables....nope, I go straight for the stuff that should be illegal.  When Suzanne died and I was leaving her house after cleaning it out, the first place I stopped was KFC for one of their "let's see how many grams of fat, cholesterol and type 2 diabetes we can cram in one sandwich" concoctions.  This isn't really a sandwich, per se, as it is about 4lbs of bacon, blanketed in what I presume is cheese, then smothered in some sort of cheese sauce, all of which is sandwiched between two deep-fried chicken breasts.  There is not one spec of bread so I don't know how they can, in good conscience, call it a sandwich...but they do.  I ordered it because I was sad and food like that tends to comfort me, if just for a few fleeting moments.  I would never order that artery clogging mess in normal day to day activity!!
I cry & eat junk when I'm stressed or worried about something.  When I was contemplating changing jobs, again, for the 2nd time in 3 months, I cried because I was worried about money and bills and simply surviving.  During this time, I was bee-lining straight to the potato chips...cheddar & sour cream ruffles, Doritos, chili-cheese Fritos, to name a few.  I think there were even a couple of bags of pork rinds thrown in for good measure.
Let me pause here to say I have been blessed with a kind, loving heart & soul.  I love being nice to people and I love being kind to people.  I go out of my way to please people when needed.  I go out of my way to help people when needed.  It's acts of kindness like this that make me happy. It has taken me a long time and many heartbreaking experiences to learn it's ok to be nice, even when someone else isn't.  It's what makes me feel good inside that matters. However, just because I'm kind does not give anyone the right to be mean to me.  Just because I'm giving doesn't give anyone the right to take and take and take without giving in return.  
When my feelings get hurt, it makes me cry and it makes me high-tail it straight to the ice-cream and cookie isle in the store.  When my feelings get hurt, I'm sorry but Blue-Bell just don't put enough Oreo cookies in their cookies & cream.  Oh no, I have to make Cookies & cream ice cream sandwiches with double stuff Oreo cookies and I have to cry big fat tears until I feel better.  Thankfully this only takes about two or three "sandwiches" until my emotions start to feel better, however, my stomach starts to take over and is threatening to revolt and expel all contents.  
As time goes by and I get a little older, I find I'm not buying double stuff Oreo cookies nearly as often.  I do still like the occasional bite or two of the actual ice cream, but I'm finding I don't need the whole sandwich thing as much.  I think a lot of this has to do with me not letting other people's negativity and meanness effect me as I used to.  If someone feels the need to be rude and hurtful, it's a reflection of their own inner turmoil and struggle with kindness.  It's not me.  I know I'm not the cause of their pain so why should I continue to let them be the cause of mine (or my stomach's)?  I will still cry at sappy commercials and touching greeting cards but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone else push me to cookies & cream, Oreo cookies ice cream sandwiches anymore...I know my stomach and thighs will thank me.  Life is too short to buy that crap (literally and figuratively...)

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