Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I am "FR-CHU-N8"!!!!

Today marks the 11th anniversary of a very horrendous, horrific event in America's history.  Of course I think about all the tragedy, all the lives lost because of this evil event, orchestrated by evil madmen.  As a nation, we mourn and we rebuild.  We don't just "move on", we "grow strong" and we will never, ever, ever forget.  
As the years pass, I'm starting to see a change in myself when thinking of this anniversary.  I am gradually becoming less sad and less angry and less mad.  I am becoming more grateful, more blessed, more aware of the good around me!!
On my way into work this morning, I had to stop rapid-firing black jelly beans through the sunroof at the idiot tailgating me to figure out a personalized license plate on the truck in the lane over from me.  I absolutely love these types of word puzzles and I was determined to figure this one out.  I was probably yelling my guesses, I was getting so excited!  Kinda like when I play "SongPop"...I get so excited and nervous at knowing the song, I just start clicking, rapid fire...and never really accomplish anything and wind up losing.
Back to the license plate:  This is what I saw: "FR-CHU-N8"  Here's some examples of my guesses: "fir choon nat," "french-ate," "for chew & ate." Then it hit me: "FORTUNATE."  I became very eerily quiet.  "Fortunate."  On this day of somber memorials, HOLY SHIT, I am FORTUNATE!!!
I'm fortunate I live in a country where I can drive to a job I love and not some slave labor sweat shop.
I'm fortunate I have an amazing and wonderful, loving family I can call to talk to or drive to see any time I want.
I'm fortunate I have, not only the power, but also the ability to make choices.  I'm fortunate I have the right to deal with the consequences of my choices, good or bad, however I choose (with the exception of speeding tickets...I found I do have to pay those eventually...)
I'm fortunate to have a loving husband, who adores me as much, if not more, than I adore him.  Who gives a rat's ass if he puts holes in the walls to create a media center for us!!  We like movies & music and we like hearing them in surround sound.
I'm fortunate to have amazing children who have far surpassed any grand plans or ideas I ever could have dreamed for them.  They are becoming such fantastic adults, I have to pinch myself then ask what could I have ever done to deserve such wonderful children (sorry Mom, the "curse" of "I hope your kids treat you the way you treated me" didn't make it to my kids AND I am sorry for the way I treated you when I was growing up - but I'm FORTUNATE to have such a wonderful mother!!!)
I'm fortunate to have friends who care and who are kind and who tolerate my "ramblings with words" on this blog and FB posts.  
I'm fortunate in that I get to eat dinner tonight and I get to choose what I get to eat for dinner. 
I'm fortunate in that I can eat that dinner on the couch, watching the Astros...(shut it Marcus, they are in the process of re-building a stellar team.  They don't suck and they won't be the "Lastros" for long!!)
I'm FORTUNATE, plain & simple.  I have so much to be thankful for and grateful for that I'm blessed with, and I choose to spend this day rejoicing!  I don't want to be sad today!!  I'm so freakin' fortunate that I can make that choice - sad or happy!  Is it a sad day, very much so.  Happy that it's taught me so much, you bet your sweet pa-tooty I am!  FR-CHU-N8!!!!

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