Sunday, September 30, 2012

Intelligent words escape me when I need to say them the most!

I do not consider myself a socially awkward person.  I don’t think I have a problem talking to people.  I sometimes talk to strangers while standing in line at the grocery store (no, I’m not THAT crazy old lady who turns to the customer behind her, smiles just a little too crazily and says something like “there’s a great sale on fancy feast cat food today. I’m gonna buy 3 cases. The neighborhood stray cats are going to be happy today.”)  If a stranger makes small talk at the table next to us at a restaurant, I’ll politely converse with them.  I’ve also been known to initiate small talk by saying how adorable their children are or to ask what they ordered because it looks delicious.  Hell, I talk to all levels of professionals, from admins to presidents of large companies, for a living, all day every day.  I can talk to people fairly intelligently and easily.  EXCEPT at a funeral.  For some reason at a funeral there is a switch in my brain that shuts off.  The one that sends the signal to my mouth saying “this is an appropriate comment of condolence and comfort you say in this situation” before I speak.  For some reason at a funeral I turn into a bumbling, mumbling idiot!  It’s a wonder I can even form a complete sentence, however it’s probably a sentence I should NOT say, like “there’s a great sale on fancy feast cat food at HEB today.”  Even before the funeral, I start getting very nervous and my hands get clammy and my stomach starts to turn in on itself…general anxiety at the thought of having to address the family members of the departed.  Fortunately, I have not had to attend very many funerals in my adult life. 
A few days ago, my mother tells me Jack passed away.  Jack and his wife, Martha, were the first people my mother, sister & I met when we moved to Austin some 35 years ago.  They lived across the street from us and quickly became a permanent fixture, as close to family as possible if you will, in our lives.  So, when my mom was telling me, I immediately braced myself for what I knew was coming next, the dreaded “His funeral is Saturday, I’d very much like it if you went with me.  It would mean a lot to Martha and to me.”  I’m relieved this conversation between my mother & me was taking place over instant messenger so she couldn’t see the immediate distortion of anxiety and despair on my face.  I told her I would have to think about it and get back to her.
Some of the first thoughts I had were of excuses of why I couldn’t go.  “oh, I wish I could but I’m going to be cleaning my oven.” Or “I wish I could, but I’m going to be studying up on my quantum physics.”  Please know these excuses were not to be rude or insincere at all.  I was truly saddened by Jack’s passing and I wanted to pay my respects.  But in a way that wouldn’t cause me to convulse in a full on panic attack at the thought of talking to Martha and their family.  Then I started to think about my Dad’s funeral and how people spoke to me.  Unfortunately, because it was MY Daddy in that coffin and I was an emotional basket case and deeply devastated and numb and mildly sedated, I couldn’t really remember actual words spoken to me.  NO, I wasn’t blitzed at his funeral!  I just had to take the edge off because I tend to cry at pretty much anything…I’m a crier…and I didn’t want to full on bawl during the service.
For as long as I can remember, Jack & Martha have been a significant part of our lives.  When we lived across the street from them, they were pretty much surrogate parents to me & my sister.  I know they are the primary reason my mother made it those first couple of years as a single parent of two small girls in a new, big city without one single trip to the mental hospital.  I know they were her strength and support when she needed it most.  Even after we moved from that house and throughout the years, Jack & Martha were always the first to arrive for Christmas Eve dinner, graduation parties, weddings & receptions, baby showers, birthday parties, they were always there!  I also remember Jack as always smiling and happy and fun to talk to and just nice to be around.
“Ok, Lara, time to suck it up, put aside your fears and do this to show sympathy for Martha and support your mother.” I finally decided.  I knew it was going to be tough but I was determined because Jack & Martha have done so much for us.  I had to mentally prepare myself for several days but I went.  I told myself I was NOT going to cry!!  Yes, I was very sad and I know it’s ok to cry at funerals.  However, I also know once my waterworks start, there is no stopping the oncoming flood of tears and I’ll wind up crying over the craziest things for the rest of the day.  I made it about ¾ of the way through, holding fast to my resolve not to cry.  Then someone got up and read letters written by Jack’s granddaughters, saying goodbye to him.  Cue the full on bawling from Lara!  When I cry, my nose sees this as a signal to flow full throttle.  Thank goodness we chose a pew that had a box of Kleenex on it, almost as if it were a sign from above, because I couldn’t get them out fast enough.  My sniffling can be heard for blocks and sometimes a pig like snort escapes.  I needed to stifle this with the Kleenex before the church was completely quiet for the final prayer.
The service ends and we are directed to the front of the church, where the family is waiting to accept our condolences and sympathy.  Nope, I can’t do it.  I can’t go through this receiving line and talk to the family looking like a puffy eyed Rudolph the red-nosed rain deer.  Besides, I wouldn’t be able to shake their hands or hug them, considering I’m now carting about four thousand cried on and wadded up tissues, with NO trash can between me & them.  There was no way I was going to open my mouth!  I probably would have told them I prefer liquid laundry detergent over powder because the powder tends to clump and not fully disperse unless you dissolve it some of the water before you put the clothes in the washing machine.
Marcus and I said goodbye to my mother & sister on the walk over from the church to the reception hall, where they were hosting a reception for the family, and left before I could say anything completely stupid to anyone.
Maybe Martha will read this one day, maybe not.  But if she does, I want her to know my heart grieves for her and with her.  Jack was a wonderful man and I’m deeply sorry for her and her family’s loss.  I just don’t know how to verbalize it, but I can convey my deepest sympathy here, by writing it.
I don’t know if I will ever be completely rid of my “funeral anxiety” and I really hope I don’t have to make any more attempts at it again anytime soon.  But for now, I’m off to HEB to get cat food and laundry detergent because they are both on sale!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's a Drive-by Shooting! We're being shot at!!

Marcus was about 48 seconds from blowing a fuse because there was, as he so dramatically put it, “NOT a single clean dish in the house!!”  To which my response was “False!! The dog’s water bowl is very clean and that’s a DISH that happens to be in this HOUSE…” I don’t know if something in my husband snapped at that moment or if he was truly rendered speechless by my ever so keen observation, because all he did was tilt his head slightly and started washing the dishes.  This is usually how the dishes get done in our house.  It starts with some exaggerated proclamation of no more “clean” dishes, followed by my clever retort to negate his observation.  My favorite is “False!  There is a clean punch bowl above the refrigerator!  It is perfectly acceptable to eat ramen noodles out of a punch bowl!  Emily Post never said otherwise!”
I do not like doing dishes, well, truth be told, I don’t like cleaning, anything, ever.  I don’t know why.  I don’t think I have some obscure psychosis or dyslexic type of germaphobia or “non-clean freak” disorder.  I just don’t like cleaning.  Don’t get me wrong, I like having clean clothes, a clean house, I just don’t like to do all the work.  Every once in a while, like after staying at a clean hotel, I do have a sudden urge to go home and make my home just as clean (well, all hotels we stay in are clean.  We don’t ever stay in the bedbug infested, dirt ring in the tub, type hotels.  As a matter of fact, I do have an odd phobia when it comes to hotels, I can ONLY stay in the ones that have the doors to the rooms on the inside, where you have to go in the hotel, walk down a hallway to get to your room type places.  I can’t stay in the type of hotels where you park your car about 14 inches from the door to the room.  No, no “doors on the outside” hotels for me.)  But, when I get home and see how much it would take to get it “doors inside, nice hotel” type of clean, the motivation and desire fade away…but back to the drive by shooting, and I promise this is all true and seriously happened!
Marcus was taught to do dishes old school style, and by this, I mean he fills up one side of the sink with soapy water, places everything in the water, hand washes them and THEN puts them in the dishwasher, except the pots & pans…(IF, on the off chance I’m compelled to clean the kitchen – it’s “everybody in the pool after a slight rinsing off” which means I rinse everything and PILE everything in the dishwasher…) With the pots & pans, he places them on the stove burners and turns on the burners for just a few minutes, to heat dry the pots & pans before putting them away.
Marcus’ phone rings and it’s a friend of ours from high school, who I think was congratulating us on getting married or something like that.  Marcus hadn’t talked to him in a while, so they start catching up on what the other has been doing and life and just the typical guy talk.  I think the whole conversation lasted maybe 7 minutes.  Marcus hangs up the phone and comes in to the living room to tell me how our friend was doing and how he heard this and this about so & so, and can you believe what’s-her-name is actually dating this yahoo…just the normal, small town gossip making its way to us.
“KAAAHHHH-----BBBLLLLOOOOOMMMM!!!!!”  Something just exploded in our house!  I looked at my husband with sheer panic, “WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. WAS. THAT???” Was all I could say…as we both walk in the kitchen to investigate the explosion.  There is shattered glass EVERYWHERE!!  “MARCUS!!  Are we being shot at???”
“KAAAHHHH-----BBBLLLLOOOOOMMMM!!!!!”  The 2nd Pyrex baking dish exploded off the stove burner and sprayed more glass everywhere.  At least that’s what I saw on my way down to the ground, taking the immediate “lay as flat on the floor as humanly possible” plan of action to avoid taking a bullet to the knee or boob or throat.  “Marcus, what the hell is going on??? WHY WOULD ANYONE DO A DRIVE-BY on US?????”  Let me explain here, in this moment of terror I was experiencing, what I saw was a Pyrex dish not just cracked and broken, but the dish exploded, THE DISH EXPLODED, THE. DISH. EXPLODED!!!! like a pyro-techno, wired for special effects in a blockbuster, Bruce Willis movie, explosion!!  Now, knowing my frame of mind, you must surely understand why I am splayed out on the dining room floor, trying to become one with the wood floor boards. 
After the last of the shattered glass had landed all over the kitchen and dining room and I’m sure my hair was covered with shattered shards that would certainly scalp me every time I washed my hair for a week.  Picture a nuclear fall-out depiction in a post-apocalyptic movie, with the dust and ashes blanketing everything in the area…That’s what I’m expecting to open my eyes to…
Nope, I look up to see my darling husband, the love of my life, my soul mate, bent over at the waist, laughing so hard there are tears streaming down his face.  He’s laughing so hard, no sound is coming out of him and he’s slapping his leg like some sort of retarded seal (thanks Pinterest for this line…I just had to use it here because that’s exactly how he looked..)
“ARE YOU HIT???  ARE YOU IN SHOCK SO YOU ARE LAUGHING BECAUSE YOU’VE BEEN HIT??”  We are completely enthralled with Sons of Anarchy, so I had to use the bad ass, devil may care, lingo I’ve picked up from that show.  I mean, hello! We're being shot at for God's sake!  "Marcus, look at me, where are you hit??  Do I need to get a belt to be used as a tourniquet?”  I’m slowly pulling myself up, dusting the fall-out off my shirt and shorts (It wasn’t really “fall-out dust” it was just regular dust, since I hadn’t swept or mopped the floor in a spell….) I’m extremely cautious, whoever has a “hit out on us” might try again…so I go to look out the window, which for some reason is completely intact..hmmm…”that’s odd – I don’t see any bullet holes...Honey, where are the bul……WHAT is so damn funny??  This is NOT a known drive-by neighborhood.”  That’s when I realized, the window I just looked out to check for the “perp” was the window to our back yard…unless a road had miraculously appeared in our back yard, this was not a drive-by shooting.  This was my husband’s way of drying off two Pyrex pans, by placing them on the lit burners, to dry off all the water.  Unfortunately for the Pyrex and my blood pressure and heart rate, my husband “forgot” the burners were on when he was on the phone…All he could say was “I don’t think you would move that fast, even for free Wendy’s fries or Reese’s peanut butter cups…”  Who knew Pyrex EXPLODES when heated to about 2067 degrees…..That little incident happened about 6-8 months ago and every now and then, I still find shards of Pyrex in the strangest damn places, like on the mantle above the fireplace…seriously!  Who knew Pyrex explodes??  Not me, I just cook with Pyrex, I certainly don’t clean then heat dry it on the burners..thankfully, neither does Marcus anymore.  Although I think he secretly wants to.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I am "FR-CHU-N8"!!!!

Today marks the 11th anniversary of a very horrendous, horrific event in America's history.  Of course I think about all the tragedy, all the lives lost because of this evil event, orchestrated by evil madmen.  As a nation, we mourn and we rebuild.  We don't just "move on", we "grow strong" and we will never, ever, ever forget.  
As the years pass, I'm starting to see a change in myself when thinking of this anniversary.  I am gradually becoming less sad and less angry and less mad.  I am becoming more grateful, more blessed, more aware of the good around me!!
On my way into work this morning, I had to stop rapid-firing black jelly beans through the sunroof at the idiot tailgating me to figure out a personalized license plate on the truck in the lane over from me.  I absolutely love these types of word puzzles and I was determined to figure this one out.  I was probably yelling my guesses, I was getting so excited!  Kinda like when I play "SongPop"...I get so excited and nervous at knowing the song, I just start clicking, rapid fire...and never really accomplish anything and wind up losing.
Back to the license plate:  This is what I saw: "FR-CHU-N8"  Here's some examples of my guesses: "fir choon nat," "french-ate," "for chew & ate." Then it hit me: "FORTUNATE."  I became very eerily quiet.  "Fortunate."  On this day of somber memorials, HOLY SHIT, I am FORTUNATE!!!
I'm fortunate I live in a country where I can drive to a job I love and not some slave labor sweat shop.
I'm fortunate I have an amazing and wonderful, loving family I can call to talk to or drive to see any time I want.
I'm fortunate I have, not only the power, but also the ability to make choices.  I'm fortunate I have the right to deal with the consequences of my choices, good or bad, however I choose (with the exception of speeding tickets...I found I do have to pay those eventually...)
I'm fortunate to have a loving husband, who adores me as much, if not more, than I adore him.  Who gives a rat's ass if he puts holes in the walls to create a media center for us!!  We like movies & music and we like hearing them in surround sound.
I'm fortunate to have amazing children who have far surpassed any grand plans or ideas I ever could have dreamed for them.  They are becoming such fantastic adults, I have to pinch myself then ask what could I have ever done to deserve such wonderful children (sorry Mom, the "curse" of "I hope your kids treat you the way you treated me" didn't make it to my kids AND I am sorry for the way I treated you when I was growing up - but I'm FORTUNATE to have such a wonderful mother!!!)
I'm fortunate to have friends who care and who are kind and who tolerate my "ramblings with words" on this blog and FB posts.  
I'm fortunate in that I get to eat dinner tonight and I get to choose what I get to eat for dinner. 
I'm fortunate in that I can eat that dinner on the couch, watching the Astros...(shut it Marcus, they are in the process of re-building a stellar team.  They don't suck and they won't be the "Lastros" for long!!)
I'm FORTUNATE, plain & simple.  I have so much to be thankful for and grateful for that I'm blessed with, and I choose to spend this day rejoicing!  I don't want to be sad today!!  I'm so freakin' fortunate that I can make that choice - sad or happy!  Is it a sad day, very much so.  Happy that it's taught me so much, you bet your sweet pa-tooty I am!  FR-CHU-N8!!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

All the Oreo cookies in the world can't heal hurt feelings!

I am an emotional person.  I'll be the first to admit it.  I cry at pretty much anything.  A sappy commercial, a touching greeting card, a loving photograph - hand me the Kleenex, please....a sad movie, you might as well buy me a Kleenex factory...I cry.  I still grab two new boxes when I watch "The Notebook" and I know there's not enough Kleenex in the world for me to ever watch "My Girl" ever again.  It's how I show emotion, even when I laugh too hard, I wind up crying.  
But there are times, thank goodness not many, when I cry because I am upset.  There are times when I am sad and crying helps deal with the sadness.  Usually when this occurs, I turn to comfort in food (again, I'm glad it doesn't happen often.)  And not the good stuff like fruit or vegetables....nope, I go straight for the stuff that should be illegal.  When Suzanne died and I was leaving her house after cleaning it out, the first place I stopped was KFC for one of their "let's see how many grams of fat, cholesterol and type 2 diabetes we can cram in one sandwich" concoctions.  This isn't really a sandwich, per se, as it is about 4lbs of bacon, blanketed in what I presume is cheese, then smothered in some sort of cheese sauce, all of which is sandwiched between two deep-fried chicken breasts.  There is not one spec of bread so I don't know how they can, in good conscience, call it a sandwich...but they do.  I ordered it because I was sad and food like that tends to comfort me, if just for a few fleeting moments.  I would never order that artery clogging mess in normal day to day activity!!
I cry & eat junk when I'm stressed or worried about something.  When I was contemplating changing jobs, again, for the 2nd time in 3 months, I cried because I was worried about money and bills and simply surviving.  During this time, I was bee-lining straight to the potato chips...cheddar & sour cream ruffles, Doritos, chili-cheese Fritos, to name a few.  I think there were even a couple of bags of pork rinds thrown in for good measure.
Let me pause here to say I have been blessed with a kind, loving heart & soul.  I love being nice to people and I love being kind to people.  I go out of my way to please people when needed.  I go out of my way to help people when needed.  It's acts of kindness like this that make me happy. It has taken me a long time and many heartbreaking experiences to learn it's ok to be nice, even when someone else isn't.  It's what makes me feel good inside that matters. However, just because I'm kind does not give anyone the right to be mean to me.  Just because I'm giving doesn't give anyone the right to take and take and take without giving in return.  
When my feelings get hurt, it makes me cry and it makes me high-tail it straight to the ice-cream and cookie isle in the store.  When my feelings get hurt, I'm sorry but Blue-Bell just don't put enough Oreo cookies in their cookies & cream.  Oh no, I have to make Cookies & cream ice cream sandwiches with double stuff Oreo cookies and I have to cry big fat tears until I feel better.  Thankfully this only takes about two or three "sandwiches" until my emotions start to feel better, however, my stomach starts to take over and is threatening to revolt and expel all contents.  
As time goes by and I get a little older, I find I'm not buying double stuff Oreo cookies nearly as often.  I do still like the occasional bite or two of the actual ice cream, but I'm finding I don't need the whole sandwich thing as much.  I think a lot of this has to do with me not letting other people's negativity and meanness effect me as I used to.  If someone feels the need to be rude and hurtful, it's a reflection of their own inner turmoil and struggle with kindness.  It's not me.  I know I'm not the cause of their pain so why should I continue to let them be the cause of mine (or my stomach's)?  I will still cry at sappy commercials and touching greeting cards but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone else push me to cookies & cream, Oreo cookies ice cream sandwiches anymore...I know my stomach and thighs will thank me.  Life is too short to buy that crap (literally and figuratively...)